We have been given a deep connection to the cycles of the earth and to one another. We all carry the gifts of empathy, intuition, healing capabilities, and so much more. We are powerful and magical and yet, so many of us find ourselves being overcome by anxiety, fear, and a disconnection to our true selves. We have so many roles: mother, partner, wife, business owner, employee, sister, daughter ... the list goes on. We carry these roles like cloaks and after a while, we find there are so many layers blocking us from our own inner light, from our deepest desires, and dreams. The weight of the world feels heavy and soon our relationship to ourselves feels non-existent. We carry outdated beliefs, expectations, and judgements about who we are supposed to be, what we are supposed to look like, and how we are supposed to act and feel. We have been taught over and over that if we want to feel better or different we should "take something" or "see someone" to "fix" us.
If you desire change, or to simply just love yourself exactly as you are, then welcome home. You are the shaman, the healer, the oracle, the magical being, and I would be honored to help you remember who you really are.


  • 1:1 Coaching

    This deep work begins with a 12-week commitment. Embark on a profound journey of healing and transformation. Remember who you are, step into your power, and learn to live in deep trust and reverence for yourself. If you are tired of fear and limiting beliefs holding you back from the life you desire, this journey it for you.

  • Ritual Healings

    This is a 90-minute Shamanic healing session. Perfect for clients who come on an as-needed basis. Tend to any challenges, major life events or choices that need to be made, or to reset your energetic container. This is a time of processing, coupled with shamanic visioning meditation

  • Free Meditations

    Meditate with me for free on Insight Timer, YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, and on The Heal With Alchemy Podcast.

  • Sisters Of The Moon

    Each month we gather in person for shamanic meditation, sisterhood, and magic. Deepen into your spiritual practice, self-love, and be held by a community of women practicing unconditional love for themselves and one another.


Shamanic Breathwork Training w/ Linda Starwolf 
Eagle Knight Apprenticeship w/ Don Jose Ruiz

Ordained Shamanic Minister
Warrior Goddess Facilitator Training w/ HeatherAsh Amara.
Sixteen years experience with drug and alcohol recovery mentorship. 

Six years spiritual life coaching
Six years experience as a mental health worker in behavioral health hospitals and rehabilitation centers.
Eight years facilitating transformational workshops.

Continued expansion of my own personal practice through continued education, apprenticeships and spiritual retreats. 

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